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No-Stop City: Archizoom Associati pdf

No-Stop City: Archizoom Associati pdf

No-Stop City: Archizoom Associati. Andrea Branzi

No-Stop City: Archizoom Associati

ISBN: 2910385396,9782910385392 | 192 pages | 5 Mb

Download No-Stop City: Archizoom Associati

No-Stop City: Archizoom Associati Andrea Branzi
Publisher: Hyx

Marzo 29, 2011 alle 14:37 · Archiviato in Una certa idea di città. Archizoom Associati, No Stop City, 1969. No-Stop City: Archizoom Associati. This reminds me of the Superstudio and Archizooom Associati. No.Stop.City.Archizoom.Associati.pdf. See: Archizoom Associati, Città, Catena di Montaggio del Sociale. No Stop City (Archizoom Associati, 1968-1972) intègre le territoire naturel au sein d'un espace intérieur infini et climatisé. Et du projet No-Stop City d'Archizoom Associati. Archizoom Associati, No-Stop City, 1970-71. Archizoom Associati "Presagio di rose" dream bed, 1967. Dans No-Stop City, le groupe Archizoom dévoile le projet d'une ville sans fin, sans limite. Archizoom Associati "No-stop City", internal landscapes, 1970. Questa presentazione richiede JavaScript. The project was first published as No-Stop City: Residential Parkings, Climatic Universal System, in 1971 on the pages of the magazine “Domus”. The research of Archizoom culminates in « No-Stop-City », one of the most enigmatic and radical visions of the city of the future; without boundaries, artificially lit and air-conditioned. 58-74: 5 esboços de uma mesma utopia – acerca do conteúdo utópico de projetos realizados nos anos 1960 e 1970, dentre eles a New Babylon de Constant, a No-Stop City, do Archizoom Associati e a Supersuperfície do Superstudio. Inventing "superachitecture" fascinating!! In 1969, the Archizoom group, while carrying out an experimental work in the field of design, also undertook a research on environment, mass culture and the city, which led to the project No-Stop City.

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